Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Is the influx of illegal immigrants into the Republic of South Sudan a time bomb?

Is the influx of illegal immigrants into the Republic of South Sudan a time bomb?

Luk Kuth dak [File photo]
By Luk Kuth Dak
January 16, 2013 (SSNA) --Believe it or not, as experts, pundits and politicians see it, the influx of illegal immigrants into the Republic of South Sudan (RSS) is nothing less than a time bomb.
Occasionally, I am painfully reminded that Juba, the capital city, a place I once called home, is now harboring tens of thousands of undocumented aliens from all over the world, but supremely from the neighboring countries of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea and even Somalia, to name a few.
As I always delve when writing an article, a few weeks ago I called Dhanojak Obongo, the distinguished Deputy Head of the Mission at the Republic of South Sudan Embassy in Washington D.C., to get his perspective on this critical illegal immigration nightmare.
Here's is what Ambassador Obongo had to say: " Illegal immigration is not only a threat to our culture and our way of life, but most importantly our national security in the long run." Yet, for the best iterest of fairness, he went on to say, " We are really and truly indebted to some of the nighboring countries, for they were there for us when no one else was."
I could not agree with him more, and so with Justin Maker Bol, an SPLM outspoken member and a businessman in the state of Ohio, USA. He said, " Although immigrants are essential to fill in the gap in the market place, illegal immigration is certainly not the answer." " Aliens who break the law by crossing the border without proper documentation, or overstaying their visas should be deported," he added.
Hence, the goverment of the RSS should put into acount the consequences of having that many undocumented immigratns on our soil, and recongnize the fact that sooner rather than later, we will have a culture take over in the same manner in which the world most richest and most powerful, the United states of America, finds itself in pretty deep trouble in allowing well over twelve million and counting illegal immigrats into it's land. But not only that. The spanish language will soon be the tongue of the day in the USA.
 The truth of the matter is, employing illegal immigrants creats an unfair competetion in the work force. as a result, there are thousands, if not millions of South Sudanese citizens who are jobless, because illegal immigrants are taking them.
You need more?
Studies after studies have shown that illegal immigrants have no loyalty to the host countries, but in most cases, they have no interest in assimilating. Instead, they often try to imopse their own will, culture and language on the citizens of those nations.
Beyond that, it would take some bravery.... not political correctness on the part of the government of the RSS. it should do it utmost to come up with a comprehensive resolution to put an end to what could become a crisis, if not already is.
The author is a former anchorman at Juba Radio, and he can be reached at lukedak@hotmail.com

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Who is Responsible for Illegal Immigration into South Sudan?

By Justin Maker Bol

Justin Maker Bol [File photo]
During the civil wars, many South Sudanese people fled their country to neighboring countries looking for a refuge and better life for their families. They stayed at the UN camps as refugees and eventually got resettled to USA, Europe, Australia and few African countries. To draw the fine line between immigration of South Sudanese to other countries and the influx of foreigners into South Sudan is that, these countries have got established institutions, stable economies, and experience in crime prevention, where as South Sudan is a venerable new born nation without basic infrastructure and/or essential services…basically starting from zip.
Today, flog of foreigners have immigrated to South Sudan through Kenya and Uganda.  Most of these immigrants entered into the country without proper documents and majority of them without money. They are poor, sick, unskilled, untrained, criminals and scam masters. As a result the crime rate is in rise due to illegal immigration and the immoral values have become the new normal. Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime but it is driving prostitution and spread of AIDS and unscrupulous business into South Sudan. These so called foreign investors are creating an anguish and lashing our young people into another dark trades of depravity and vice.
Let’s take a moment to examine some popular business models that exist in our capital Juba today and their influence in our Community.
It's self evident that sex trades and prostitutes in South Sudan are mostly from neighboring countries, of Uganda, Kenya, Congo, Ethiopia and Eritrea. These prostitutes work at bars, nightclubs, hotels and hospitality services pamper in recruiting sex workers to serve with minimum wages or no pay. Often, prostitution practice lead to human trafficking involving teenagers, violent and worst form of child abuse. It is obvious that prostitution jeopardizes the whole country at serious risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The spread of AIDS and STD in South Sudan could be catastrophic and would prime to lost of lives more than lives lost during the war a prince South Sudan must reject.
Manufacturing and falsifications of documents; In the Capital Juba you can literally buy any document, national and international passport, counterfeits, bogus academic certification, sham commodities, spurious medicine, and phony police badges just to mention a few. The poem “what money can buy” is a redundant in South Sudan. You got money? contract killing the person you don’t like. You got money? take the land of any poor person why  do have you have to pay it. You got money? drive your car without plate why pay for the plate.
Black and Grey Markets; underground economy which is widely spread and is terribly hurting our local community. The manner in which goods are traded only benefits foreign investors. An example is the way foreign banks operate in South Sudan. Most banks are directly involved in imports and retailing of commodities typically creating Grey markets which distribute commodities illegally and unethically but supported by the government or unintentionally unregulated. The consequences resulting from unregulated banking system are unbearable harmful to long term viable economic of South Sudan and will definitely throw more people into new poverty lines. So far middle class citizen in South Sudan are working for food or in another ward those who work and are able to afford food are the middle class because food prices have more than double since the independence.
The author is a business man in Ohio, USA, and he can be reached at jumaker@hotmail.com