Thursday, July 9, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday South Sudan; Better tomorrow ahead!

Tomorrow has come and the independence of South Sudan is real and this nation of ancestors will forever remain sovereign.
A nation born out of sacrifice, bloodshed, and martyrdom shall always overcome.
We never had it easy and nothing is ever too difficult to overcome, we have endured hunger, diseases, homelessness, and even death but yet we strive for your golden name, and your flagship shall forever strive.
The spirit of our ancestors and the martyrs of the Wau Massacre will protect us forever.
The land of Deng Nhial, Gordon Mourtat, Aggrey Jaden, and John Garang your most name shall be given great praise amongst the nation.
Nation at war with itself today will abandon senseless war, rise and proseper for a better tomorrow.
Nation at war with itself today will abandon tribalism, nepotism, and regionalism and unite as one nation and one people.
Nation at war with itself will one day rise with sense of pride and nationalism, and your children will scream "We are South Sudan, We love South Sudan," in unity and